My name is Nikki Sleath and I have been a physical therapist for 28 years and hold a Masters degree in Integrative Health and Healing. I am also a Reiki Master/Teacher, Shamanic Reiki Master Practitioner, Shamanic Dream Teacher, certified hypnotherapist, medicinal aromatherapist, auricular therapy practitioner and formally trained and initiated Witch and Priestess of American Witchcraft. The unique combination of deep study and practice of all of these arts and sciences have truly inspired my ever-growing love of natural and holistic health and the energetic mind-body-spirit connection. I have lots of time and love invested in meditation, yoga, herbalism, and spiritual and religious studies in the Craft. I love to be outside gardening, hiking, or just enjoying. I have authored two books which are linked on the home page, and there are more in the making. My philosophy is that the more we connect with nature and take care of the earth, the more we experience personal transformation and real learning, which is the doorway to authentic health. I hope that I can be of assistance to you with any combination of the modalities that I provide, as they have all been key to my own path of evolution and inspiration so far....this has been amazing, and continues to be! Peace and blessings to you on your personal adventure!